Functional Anatomy (FA)

The Functional Anatomy course fully prepares students for STOTT PILATES® training and serves as a refresher for anyone needing to fulfill the anatomy prerequisite for intensive courses. The classroom-style presentation utilizes visual aids and hands-on techniques to provide students with a thorough review of anatomy basics which will be instrumental in the completion of all Matwork and equipment-based courses.

This lecture-based course covers a complete range of functional anatomy topics. Th material presented will enable instructors to effectively apply biomechanical principles to teaching exercises and programming workouts for both personal training clients and group classes.

Instructors Learn:
Basic biomechanics (levers, effects of gravitational force, effects of muscle force)
Anatomical terminology, skeletal anatomy, actions at the joints, major muscle groups and the muscles’ origin, insertion and action.
How to break down and analyze select exercises from the STOTT PILATES® repertoire in terms of the functional anatomy at play.
Musculoskeletal functioning in order to enhance teaching skills.
How to apply anatomy basics to further develop postural analysis skills.


Required Course Materials:
1 book: Trail Guide to the Body, 4th Ed, by Andrew Biel
1 set of flash cards: Muscular System Flash Pack, by Bryan Edwards

Recommended Materials:
1 manual: Anatomy of Movement, by Blaine Calais- Germain

Duration: 30 hours

Upcoming Training Schedule
January 20-25: 12:30 PM – 5:30 PM (5 hours/day)

March 10-15: 1:00 PM – 6:30 PM (5 hours/day)

May 19-24: 12:30pm – 6:00 pm (5 hours/day)

Half an hour lunch break per session
Best you bring your lunch and your snacks
Courses are limited to 6 participants only.

For inquiries:
Call Weng (Viber)
+63 9178440945


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